1. Rodeo King’s and Queen’s of both freshwater and saltwater categories will be determined by a point system. Points will be awarded based off of the top three highest weight fish entries per fish category, per day. Points will be awarded separately for men and women. These points will then be tallied at the end of the rodeo to determine the King’s and Queen’s of both fresh and saltwater categories. Point system breakdown: 5 points awarded for 1st, 3 points awarded for 2nd and 1 point awarded for 3rd. A tie in final points will be broken by the person that entered fish in the Rodeo first, by date and time.
2. All contestants must register before they enter a fish in the Rodeo. Individual registration is (FREE) on site.
3. All competitive fishing shall begin at 12:01am on the first day, and ends at 4pm on the final day of the rodeo. Scales will open daily at 12:00pm and all fish must be checked by the Weighmaster before 6:00pm daily, except by 4:00pm on the final day of the rodeo.
4. Contestants may fish from any port or pier and transport their catches by any means of transportation. No fish that have been frozen or (Quick Freeze), harpooned, loaded, shot (Except for Shark), improperly gaffed, gutted, cast / gill / shrimp netted, caged, box / slat trapped or mutilated be accepted for entry. Fish must be presented in a well-kept, good and edible condition. Fish entered in any other Rodeo or tournament will not be eligible for Rodeo competition.
5. All decisions of the Weigh Master will be final. The condition of all fish and rules of the Rodeo to ensure sportsmanship is preserved is entirely subject to the Weigh Master’s decision.
6. Fish entries for prize competition will be accepted up until weighing deadline each day. Fish may be held over from one day to the next day if they are late getting to the Weigh Master. Fish held over must be kept in good condition and are subject to Weigh Master inspection.
7. All fish entered for prize competition will remain on public display throughout the day and all fish entered become property of the Rodeo.
8. Fresh water fish may be taken from any rivers, streams, lakes, bayous or ponds.
9. Saltwater fish may be taken from anywhere in the Mississippi Sound or the Gulf of Mexico.
10. All Saltwater and Freshwater entries must comply with the Mississippi’s (State Fishing Regulations) and Federal Fishing Regulations. When entering federally regulated highly migratory species such as fish & sharks that have been caught in federal waters; an HMS permit must be presented to the Weigh Master for inspection prior to weighing their catch.
*** Attention ***
78 inch minimum Fork Length on Greater, Scalloped and Smooth Hammerhead sharks.
54 inch minimum Fork Length on all other sharks entered in the rodeo.
*** Attention ***
The Mississippi Deep-Sea Fishing Rodeo has adopted a conservation measure and will require a 40 inch minimum Fork Length on all Lemon Fish (Cobia) entered in the rodeo.
11. In the event of a tie of equal weights, the first fish entered will be declared the winner.
12. Participants enter at their own risk. Neither the tournament, nor any person connected with the tournament, shall be liable for any loss, damage, negligence, harm or injury to anyone for any reason.
As always in any and all determinations, the Weighmaster has the finale word.